Mar 5, 2010

Symphony Guy

I meant to go to sleep a couple hours ago, but I was inspired today to make a blog about being a twenty-something, currently single, woman in Los Angeles. Be sure to expect a winning combination with, food and public transportation (and in various combinations!) ;) Perhaps so titillating that I will be signed for the next reality TV show? (Hah, I'm only kidding, I don't even have TV reception...but I do live in a region that produces people like the Octomom...)

Anyways, my inspiration was a result of me chatting with my roommate about a terrible pick up line I received this evening in the library, of all places!


I go running into the library as a guy is exiting. He immediately turns around and head back in. I don't think anything of it, but in retrospect, I thought he had forgotten to find a book he needed. Two minutes later, he strategically places himself next to me in the stacks.

Me: Looking frantically for a magazine I couldn't find with time running out before the library closed.

Guy: "Oh, hello, how are you doing? What are you reading?"

Me: Irritated on the inside because I'm in a hurry but manage to keep a friendly demeanor... "Oh, just X magazine, but it's not here."

He continued to try and chat with me at a full volume speaking level. I then become annoyed because, personally, I think it's rude to do in a library. I can tell he is beating around the bush, asking me odd ball questions but trying to invite me to see the L.A. Phil with him. I tell him I am really busy and haven't made a show yet, but plan to in the future, though not any time soon. So then, the guy, we'll call him "Symphony Guy," asks me how could I be so busy?


Symphony Guy: "Oh, well you look Mexican. What's your heritage? I know Mexicans start families at a really young age. Do you have kids? No? Oh, then you must not be too busy then."

I think this was the first time I've had a racist comment thrown in with a pick-up line. And this guy wonders why I hurried off to hide in the photo copy room?!


Racism, or even a slight sense of bigotry does not equal sexy.

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